Been a lot going on, so I've missed a few days. But, the Jeep has new shoes! No, they're not NDCC's though, I went with NDT's.

And, I happened to get my bumper designations on! Well, at least on the front bumper. I had a buddy ask me last summer what I was going to use,I had no idea at all. Then it hit, why not use dad's unit? These were still in use when he served, and since he's now gone, what better way to remember him and his time? So, after poring over a couple of websites trying to make heads or tails out of military shorthand, I came up with this:

5th Army
Ft. Leonard Wood
United States Army Training Center
B Company
Special Troops
I didn't put a vehicle number on and pulled the bridge plate off the grille, it's not relevant anymore since it's marked as a base jeep.
I printed off the unit markings, mounted them to a stash of stencil board I got from an auction last summer and went to town! Even made my hood numbers while I was at it. I'll still need to do the TP, fuel, underhood and maybe max speed ones at some point.

It's getting closer to being in a finished state, paint will hopefully be laid down within the next month or so, no later than mid-May at the latest is what I'm shooting for. Then I suppose I'll have to start looking for bows and a top to wrap things up!