I have been puting 1.25 gal of 87 octane pump gas in a 5 gal GI fuel can and topping it off with waste motor oil (which is 25% gas/75% WMO) and filtering it through a 5 micron filter before putting it in the tank. The truck started right up and idled at 800rpm with the hand throttle all the way in on straight diesel when I got it from the Army. Since running the mix it sometimes needs a foot throttle pump before it starts and runs rough for a few seconds and needs some hand throttle to idle at 800rpm. After it warms up it runs like a top, some white smoke, but not too bad after it warms up. The truck is slow up the hills but I don't have experience enough to know if it is slower than others. I put $20 of deisel in the other day (because I found it for $3.25 a gal

on about 2/3 tank of deisel and mix and it ran the same. I did make one 5 gal can of 1.25 gal 87 octane and any and all partial containers of any oils I could find in my garage (compressor, air tool, 2 stroke, Marvel Mystery, gear, K&N filter, ATF,motor and something with no label left on it) all fresh (not used) and topped it off with about 2 gal of diesel, that went in with no filtering. I intend to shop for some cheap fresh veggie oil to add for some lubricity. Almost forgot, there is 6 gal or so of rotten gas from a junkyard car in there as well. I NEVER put used fluids in the tank without first filtering it to 5 micron.