Now that the 2 big events are over for the year I figured I could move back into the "slow as she goes" repairs. I'd like to have everything street ready by the time I get back with the wheels/tires at the end of June so that means getting all the lights up and working. Right now the headlights are fine but the front markers only come on in Black Out mode. Since I haven't fiddled with any of the wiring to speak of I'm guessing the Forest Service got something crossed at some point.
I don't have a Soldier B to help during the week so I couldn't check the brake lights just the tail and turns.
When I got the Goat they had cut the stock tail light wires and hooked up some aftermarket lights. My guess is they wanted something that didn't stick out from the carrier indention so they could put the wire mesh over it. Since I don't have access to a lot of milspec wiring do-dads I had to either cut the wire coming from the new lights (which I didn't want to do) or make a connector between the harness and the lamp plugs.
I was able to find a couple of connector ends and couplers from working on the M37 and think they may work out. In the pics you can see the wire from the FS mutilation, the type of ends on the original lamps and the 3rd and 4th pic are of my work around. I only had small pieces of wire with the ends connected so I simply stripped them and put a crip connection on the wire. Then I took couplers from the M37 and put them on the wire ends. These connectors then simply plug into the lamp fittings.
Everything was hooked up and the test on the left side showed I had a good tail light but no turn. I was concerned that not having them both finished might affect the turn signal so I moved on to the right side. Everything went together, turned on the Service Drive and nothing. No tail light or turn signal (either side). Next step was to pull the lens and make sure everything was good inside. It was easy to see the issue with the tail light as the bulb was obviously burnt. So I made a quick trip to NAPA thinking I'd get a couple of replacements but they only had 1 bulb. After getting back to the house and blowing that 1 bulb I figured I've got bigger issues. Anyone have a suggestion as to why the bulbs blowing? Since it's raining now I've given up for the day and will try digging in more when it's drier out.