VIC-1 Intall (Cont.)
Today I made some headway. Got the brackets all painted up and stuck them in front of the heater to expedite the drying process. I tend to get impatient when it comes to these green machines

I got most everything mounted in the cab. If you'll notice I put 4 control boxes in the cab. I used a total of three stations in the cab (AM-2780 has 4 total stations). I just tacked on another control box in the series so I can hook up and LS-454 Loudspeaker (green one). I did this just in case I didn't have my headset on and can still hear if somethings going on in the bed.
In the bed I did the same thing. The C-10456 on the headache rack is just a dummy box to provide sound to the LS-454. From there I have a 20 ft CX-4723 running back to the rear C-10456.
I still need to hook up the MX-7777 to power the AM-1780 but ran out of time. The rainstorm just hit so it was time to pack everything up

After driving this truck home, I was surprised how quiet it actually is. Did I really need to install the VIC-1? Probably not, but I have 8 VIC-1 systems in the garage so might as well

. Plus it adds to the cool factor
So to run down the VIC-1 System
The heart of the system is the AM-1780 (green box with all the switches on it). Each station has the C-10456 Control Box (little green boxes). You can use the C-2298 in place of the C-10456's. I have the H-161 headsets hooked upto the C-10456. I chose the H-161 because it has a boom micophone. If you are unable to track down the H-161 headset you can use the M-80 microphone with the H-251 headset. The control boxes are connected to the AM-1780 via CX-4723 cables.
I still need to work on cable management. I've got some of those insulated wire loops for mounting on the bulkheads. Once I get everything where it needs to go then I'll make it more permanent. I still have no idea where I'm going to put the green radios. Thought about maybe putting an RT-246a/VRC in the bed. In pic #5, that green box is a C-2742 remote control box for the RT-246a/VRC specifically. It allows you to choose preset channels and to actually turn the radio on/off. Still pondering the M939 Battery Relocation Kit. I could use the battery space to mount my radios
1- My overbuilt AM-1780 Mounting Bracket (use star washers to ground it correctly)
2- Whew, it fits
3- Added the C-10456 Control boxes
4- CX-4723 Cables added to the system
5- My standard windshield console I have on ALL of my trucks. The Green LS-454 is tied into the VIC-1 System specifically. The tan LS-454 is there for looks right now. Missing is the rear view mirror. I still need to fabricate a bracket for it. Plus the most important item is stashed on the hardtop...The BIBLE adorned with anACU cover.
6- The passenger side VIC-1.
7- The rat nest just got worse with the addition of the H-161 Headsets
8- The Headache rack C-10456 married to a LS-454 Loudspeaker to provide in bed listening to comms
9- Rearmost VIC-1 station for parade/emergency/backing detail. I have not mounted the H-161 Headset just yet.