RIP Lindsay, my loyal pooch
Well, sadly I report that about an hour ago (1320 hrs) my faithful and loyal dog (Lindsay) of 12 years, passed away. My wife watched her take her last breath on our back porch where she usually peered through the sliding glass door at us. Unfortunately I was not there. I was racing to Aberdeen to get a vial of Humulin R. Her labored breathing and the fact she was diabetic lead me to believe she was in a state of diabetic ketoacidosis. Well, I was about 5 min from home when I felt the urge to call home for a SITREP. To my anguish, my wife just told me I needed to come home. I knew right away what she meant.

Before church, I called for the "girls" to come and get some food. My other dog "Kayla" came racing up but my Lindsay was laying down in the grass. I noticed she labored to stand up but couldn't muster the strength to do so. I promptly went down to pick her up and brought her upto the porch where they both feed. Lindsay just collapsed onto the porch and I knew her sugars where out of whack. She had done this previously after we left at a new vet for a week to be dogsat. Lindsay didn't respond to any of her favorite foods and just laid there. I brought over her water bowl and she just drank and drank (definately a sign of high blood sugars). I thought for sure she was going to snap out of it. She laid down and took a nap. Well, we left for church and came back 2 hours later. She was laying in a different area of the porch so I knew she got up and didn't think anything about it. I went out and attempted to feed her. It was at this time I noticed her labored breathing. We broke out the glucose machine and it register HI. I gave her a dose of her Humulin N. Then it hit me, she may be suffering from ketoacidosis. The Humulin N wouldn't respond as quickly as I would like so raced to Aberdeen for some quick acting Humulin R. As I drove to town, my wife called the on call vet and she was describing what was going on. As the vet mentioned that if Lindsay arches her head that time she arched her head back and my wife noticed her last breatch. She grabbed ther stethoscope and heard a heartbeat but she was gone. She took a couple reflexive breathes but....
When I was putting my second set of RCL's on the truck yesterday, she wouldn't leave my side. She kept following me around and stuck by my side like a magnet. At times I got really annoyed wondering why she kept getting in my way....well, now I know. In essence, she was saying her last goodbyes for what was to come.
Rest in peace my good and faithful girl. You will be missed immensely!!!!!!!!!! I don't ask the why question. I just knew it was her time to pass.