Okie dokes just got home from work...like dan i've worked OT everyday this week but 1 day...im liking it!
so tow bar situation i'll use either kurts or stalwarts bar if thats ok as angus found out tonight that his bar wouldnt work. BTW thanks a ton angus for staying up and letting me know about your bar and even offering to stay up to hand it off to me when i got off work
Josh has been texting me hes on his way up now to aarons house.
plan for tomorrow morning still to take exit 111 right mike? josh said he can pick up my trailer on the way to brads. you want to stop at the texaco station on the right handed side of yelm highway? if you get off exit 111 and take a right coming off the off ramp then follow that road past a key bank and a les shwab you will hit a roundabout which you will want to make a left in it. you go a ways and on the right will be the texaco which i'll be at. josh is going to call me once you guys hit exit 111. we will run grab my trailer and meet you guys back at texaco. should take no longer then 10mins.
THANKS A TON for everyones help! excited to meet everyone again tomorrow@
oh yea the camera is charged and ready to go