- 8,288
- 670
- 113
- Location
- Corpus Christi, TX
Organization:0142 TH IN BN 02 HHC MECH REAR Location:LUBBOCKThanks for your help CARNAC.
M35A2 WO/W
a. Serial Number = 04C22069
b. Registration Number = 042515570
c. NSN without dashes = 232000771616
d. Where you bought it = Govliquidation.com - Red River Army Depot Hooks TX.
e. Bumper numbers if you can legibly read them = Driver side reads HQ 304
Support on the way. Thanks again
TX Nomenclature:
TRUCK CARGO 2-1/2T Model:
M35A2 NSN:
2320000771616 Serial Number:
42515570 Registration Number:
4C22069 Year of Mfg:
1969 Manufacturer:
65909 Usage Miles: 72090
Dec 08