- 8,288
- 670
- 113
- Location
- Corpus Christi, TX
Organization:32ND EN CO HHC Location:ONALASKA WI Nomenclature:Greetings, Carnac and thanks in advance for any info you can provide on my 1969 Kaiser-Jeep M35a2 (no winch):
Serial No: 052511068
Registration No: 04F73370
NSN: 23200771616
I purchased the truck recently here in Florida, but the S-97 shows the original owner to be Alfa Heaven in Aniwa, WI
No bumper numbers on truck currently.
TRUCK CARGO 2-1/2T Model:
M35A2 NSN:
2320000771616 Serial Number:
52511068 Registration Number:
4F73370 Year of Mfg:
1970 Manufacturer:
65909 Usage Miles: 31380
Sep 98