It's time to start yet another VIN Info again.
Same rules as before.
1. The more info you provide the quicker I can find your vehicle. Provide as much of the following as possible:
a. Serial Number (VIN number) ------without dashes or spaces (0123456789 correct, 0123-456789 incorrect)
b. Registration Number -----also without dashes
c. NSN without dashes -----uh, one more time, without dashes
d. Where you bought it
e. Bumper numbers if you can legibly read them
AND IF YOU DON'T KNOW THE NSN, PLEASE LOOK IT UP ON GOOGLE!!!!!! I don't know the NSN for an M151 or M38 or most others. A M35A2 or M35A2 w/w, or all the CUCV series, yes, I know those off the top of my head. Others NO.
And AT LEAST TELL ME WHAT TYPE OF VEHICLE IT IS SUCH AS A M35A2 WITH WINCH, A M105 TRAILER, ETC. I can normally tell but sometimes I have multiple vehicles when working with partial VIN's.