Get paper work from a unit , or the Military or something saying its yours. Dont just go take it with paper work saying its off the books.
A good example is like a M4 thats lost by a unit , off the books - gone. Then you pick it up and try to register it and say its yours. They will take it back if they know. And you could get in trouble for trying to own something like a MV etc. Just beacuse its not on the books anymore its not finders keepers .
My BEST advice get paper work saying you can have it ... its yours ... they wrote it to you... something saying that its yours from the Govt. on a official form of some type transferring ownership from the U.S. Govt to you. Not just "I have a paper saying its off the books"
Good luck on getting it home the right way , I wish I could have saved the one I stared at for a year.