Seats, seats and more seats. I guess I have more seats than I need. It would be wise if I were to clean them and bag them. Maybe. I will put that on the list. The never-ending list of life's things to do when I have nothing else to do.

Passengers back. Very dirty and I could clean it up if you are interested.

A complete passengers upper and lower. Lower has a hole in vinyl.

Hard to find hinge covers that are not included. Someone else has been after me for these parts. I have been finding many of them.

This is a clean seat base but has stitching cracks as I show here.

This is another complete upper and lower stock M1009 seat. It has some adhesive on the upper part. It is in decent condition and will look great after cleaning.

I picked at that spot, and it appears to be a sealant or some sort of caulking. This is an odd duck. It is a genuine GM replacement seat from the drivers side and it is charcoal in color. Excellent condition and I removed it and replaced it with an OEM bronze seat. About 20+ years ago.

I need to keep 2 sets of seats for the last 2 M1009's I have to complete. The set for the current build is all reupholstered and stored in the basement. I think. Let me know your thoughts. Cleaning charges apply. HA.