Alright so this weekend we started the body mounts on the 1009...they are pretty simple to get the nuts off but getting the bolts to free up from the bushing sleeves was another issue...we ended up using the nut on the end of the bolt a few threads on and using the jack and half inch extensions to pump them up and eventually broke loose so we could get them the 2 front bolts were rusted about half way through where there wasn't much left holding it on...the rear ones were not as bad but close, the tops were welded in too?? I found new grade 8 front bolts as they have a regular bolt head 4 1/2 inches long but the rear 4 are elongated carriage style and I can't seem to find those yet...He wants to keep it stock looking as much as possible so I'll keep hunting for those...we got one side done that took a bit then the other side we had apart in no time since we had a method to the madness figured out.
On another note...we had the batteries removed from the 1009 to replace the fender and liner they sat on...we decided to try out the slave cable and just jump start it and drive it in and mess with the batteries later...well...that doesn't work if the big resistor has been removed as there's no way to get 12 volts to to the rest of the it was nice to make sure the cable worked and sent all the volts to the blazer no I know why gp doesn't get these running that don't have batteries in them as they have a slave cable hooked up the their huge fork lift.
One last note about my 1101 trailer...I was reading the tm on it and found an interesting note in the first pages showing towing I always thought the 1101 and 1102 were different in actual capacity...I was wrong as it says in that tm that both are physically the same, they rate them differently depending on what the towing capacity of the hmmv is towing it...learning that I'm glad I got the 1101 and not paid more for the 1102 I was looking at!