December 6th, 2009.
Good job uprighting the excavator. Your shear pins in the winch didn't go on that load? I do seem to remember, in the TM10, that one is not to attach the M35A2 to a tree when pulling with the winch, as apparently it can strain the frame, but it has been done more often then you would think. Harpers Ferry NHP stuck an ex Army Allison payloder in a waterway and did the same thing with their turbo 2-1/2 ton dump to get the tractor out.
I would suspect that if my truck had a winch, which it doesn't, and I was gonna make pulls like that everyday, that I would track down a heavy enough snatch block set and let the tree take the strain with the truck just providing pulling power.It would be easier on the truck and harder on the tree. What'd the excavator sound like when it came down on its tracks?
Good luck and stay safe,
Kyle F. McGrogan