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Added an antenna and tie down. I've always thought tied down antennas look cool on vehicles. You can also see the winch control station safety guard in its folded down "travel" mode here.
The truck came with a few plates bolted through the expanded metal grates on the winch platform. I wasn't sure exactly what they were supposed to be used for, but it turns out they are for a jerry can holder to be placed in about the position I have it here. It is actually for the decontamination kit, but it is just a regular jerry can holder, so I put a water can in it. I like this position because you can reach the water can from the ground.
Both sides of the truck have a 3/8" air connector with a boot to cover them when they are not in use. You can see it here below the battery box.
Light and Heavy Equipment Transporters. Here is my M1070 nose to nose with my M916. I haven't had them next to each other before today and it really reminds me of how large a truck the 916 is, even compared to the HET.