- 243
- 8
- 18
- Location
- Suffolk, VA
Got up early and replaced the belts, serviced the power steering... and started to ponder the mech pump bypass... see this electric fuel pump thread for more on that.
While I was down there I noticed I didn't like the starter wire rubbing on so much stuff and figured I'd put some more black wire conduit to protect it... then I noticed the bolt where it connected to the starter was loose.
So I popped the neg bat terminal on the front battery to break ground so I could work on hot wires... then i got my 3/8 u joint... pondered the bolt to be about 15mm and a super long extension to reach it... as i finally got the socket on there I brushed part of the frame and there was sparks!
I didn't get it... how could that happen... did the negative terminal spring back up in place? I jumped up and found it was right where I left it... hmm... best just disconnect the 24v lead from the rear batt term too... and went back to work... no sparks.
The only thing I can figure is that something on the 12V hot bus made a path from the 24V hot bus to the rear battery's neg term... so that effectively I got 12v worth of sparking. I guess I'll pop both terminals from now on.
Then when I got done with the belts I started her up. Gen 1 light... voltage in yellow... then a pop and it went to the green/yellow line... then back to yellow... then a pop like a relay...
Ok guess its time I got smart on the weired electrical system... first lets freshen up all ground connections... ok thats done... lets inspect the alternator connections... maybe I bumped one or kinked it or something... nope those are good too... well lets get some contact cleaner and clean them too... Ok all done, lets try that start and see if we get a light... GEN 1 light! ****!
"Did I fry something with those sparks?" Immediately searched here for that... came out dry... so out came the TM's... "Rpm issue? how could that have changed... must be the next step"... So I checked the gen light with the exciter disconnected... checked good... TM says replace alternator...
"oh crap I must have messed up the alternator when i replaced those horrible belts.... too tight? How could I... There must be something else going on here."
Came here and searched and searched... read thread after thread, and ran through the speghetti diagrams int the TM and highlited and posted here by folks trying to help out... wondered if I fried the diode between the 'ground' of GEN 2 or something wierd... It couldn't be the alternator!... or could it!?!?!?!
Then I rememembered a thread saying "check RPM" means give the accelerator a push... so I reconnected everything restarted the truck... GEN 1 light... gave it a push, and it went out and stayed out..... voltage in the green... YES!
Some times the simplest things escape me!
While I was down there I noticed I didn't like the starter wire rubbing on so much stuff and figured I'd put some more black wire conduit to protect it... then I noticed the bolt where it connected to the starter was loose.
So I popped the neg bat terminal on the front battery to break ground so I could work on hot wires... then i got my 3/8 u joint... pondered the bolt to be about 15mm and a super long extension to reach it... as i finally got the socket on there I brushed part of the frame and there was sparks!
I didn't get it... how could that happen... did the negative terminal spring back up in place? I jumped up and found it was right where I left it... hmm... best just disconnect the 24v lead from the rear batt term too... and went back to work... no sparks.
The only thing I can figure is that something on the 12V hot bus made a path from the 24V hot bus to the rear battery's neg term... so that effectively I got 12v worth of sparking. I guess I'll pop both terminals from now on.
Then when I got done with the belts I started her up. Gen 1 light... voltage in yellow... then a pop and it went to the green/yellow line... then back to yellow... then a pop like a relay...
Ok guess its time I got smart on the weired electrical system... first lets freshen up all ground connections... ok thats done... lets inspect the alternator connections... maybe I bumped one or kinked it or something... nope those are good too... well lets get some contact cleaner and clean them too... Ok all done, lets try that start and see if we get a light... GEN 1 light! ****!
"Did I fry something with those sparks?" Immediately searched here for that... came out dry... so out came the TM's... "Rpm issue? how could that have changed... must be the next step"... So I checked the gen light with the exciter disconnected... checked good... TM says replace alternator...
"oh crap I must have messed up the alternator when i replaced those horrible belts.... too tight? How could I... There must be something else going on here."
Came here and searched and searched... read thread after thread, and ran through the speghetti diagrams int the TM and highlited and posted here by folks trying to help out... wondered if I fried the diode between the 'ground' of GEN 2 or something wierd... It couldn't be the alternator!... or could it!?!?!?!
Then I rememembered a thread saying "check RPM" means give the accelerator a push... so I reconnected everything restarted the truck... GEN 1 light... gave it a push, and it went out and stayed out..... voltage in the green... YES!
Some times the simplest things escape me!

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