Yea, my wife doesn't get it either. I've even tried the "You can't buy a truck with a diesel that is a tough as one of these for a reasonable price" angle.
It truly is a disease though, I laughed at you guys at first when I heard that, but nope........ it's true. I've had my M1009 for about 2 months, and this week I just sold my 2008 Subaru WRX, and took the equity from that and bought an M35A3 which I pick up on Monday. She thinks I've truly lost it now...... Even though I explained how the WRX cost me $600/month in payments and insurance. I finally told her to STFU and not to complain unless I sell her car.
The money, the noise, the size, the age....... none of it really matters to them in the end........ the camo is what baffles them. We all know they have issues with logic, but CARC must REALLY block a certain spectrum of female vision.
Nice truck!