You can get a semi-1919 that will fit for about 1k$ or a semi m2HB for 10k$.
-Where can I get the 1919 at?
Halftrack-I did use the 'Ti' and if it was you that posted it, Thank You very much! (if not, credit goes to that person instead

i forget who it was )
Acetomatoco-I'm surprised you were the only one who said that O

Dad was on me about that right next to me as well...But I made it through, that time anyway...
Maccus- Can't go much lower, with the ammo can brackets, currently I am about 2-3 inches off the top of soft top. With that being said, the ring however is still lower than the cross bows but I dont think that the cradle is too, highly doubt anyway. You'd have to look at your data plate with height of truck with cross bows and go from there. My truck is three hours away from me currently :-/ otherwise I'd take a look and measure for you.
DukeNukem-I have a truck for sale currently and for the right price will sell it with my extra ring mount and legs with cradle. Let me know can either call or pm me. 360 608 6484 I'd like to know more about the guy building the guns anyway....
Thank You everyone for everything! keep posting if you'd like

always appreciated!!