I went rummanging around tin the storage closet ... and found this musty old thread ...
I have a couple of tool suggestions for the Deuce owner.
In the (very) short time that I’ve had my Deuce, I find that they are VERY similar to old Brit Sports Cars … like the MGB.
They both contain a LOT of cast iron and some oil leaks. It should be noted, however, that the electrics are a bit better on the Deuce.
That having been said … I am finding that both share some tools that make ownership and maintenance a LOT easier.
Some models of the Deuce and the MGB have soft tops for instance.
During the time that I owned MGB’s I found the Speedy Stitcher Sewing Awl VERY handy repairing upholstery, tops and etc. When I needed to cobble up a top forto bring my Deuce home …I broke out my Speedy Sticher … and some good strong canvas … and did the “folded cloth and pull cord” repair to replace the missing plastic bit in the front of the top.
I sewed the seam in the canvas for the cord on my old cast iron Singer … glued the canvas onto the top with Shoe Goop … and when the goop set up … I put tow rows of stiching across the front to hold the canvas in place. The whole thing took about ½ hour.
Cheaper than dirt has the awl for about $10.00
ZAA-002 - Speedy Stitcher Sewing Awl Includes Two Needles Bobbin of Thread Sews Anything
Extra spools of waxed thread can be found in any crafts store.
For lessons to use the Speedy stitcher …go to :
If you desired to re-use the black plastic strip ... drill the holes in the plastic to about 1/16 inch with a drill before attempting to sew.
This would be VERY handy if you see that the last couple of inches are beginning to loose their stitches. This works on the side plastic bits ... and the seat covers as well.