Right after all that I had a course that I wanted to take over in the `Zona. So I threw some camping gear in the shelter took off for a quick trip, 2 days going, 3 days there, 2 days coming back

Now that I had all my crap in the shelter, and wasn't in a hurry to get it out, It was time to start mod'ing the trailer.
First up was to get rid of a bunch of bent up metal and bits that I wasn't ever going to use.
Had a buddy torch off the pieces on the top that held the portable bolsters (I think it might have been a waste of time, they didn't come off like I'd hoped and I'm prob going to take the rest off w/ a grinder).
At some point I'm wanting to continue the expanded all the way across, and I'll prob use those spaces in the framing for some tanks.
The bent up ramp storage frame,
This is the part I like, when it starts getting built.
I had spent loads of time measuring, thinking, measuring some more, . . . thinking some more . . .
Ended up deciding that I needed to add some channel on both sides for the outside skids to ride in. These would also be the main support for some fenders when the big stuff is done
W/o custom making some channel and going w/ stock sizes we were going to have about an 1/8" on each side of the skid. That's why we measured, and measured, and measured, . . .
Both sides are welded up and waiting for a test fit.
I'll get some pics of the details when I get a moment