yes IP went in, all lines connected, no problems at all. First i connected lines to injectors by hand, then to IP. Two lower were more difficult, others were easy. I used 5/8 normal wrench. Left injector lines slightly open for priming.
Turned fuel up by 1/8 turn. And set pump timing half millimeter advanced from mark.
Swiched electric lift pump and within 3...4 minutes there was just fuel on return line, no bubbles.
That is all good news. Connected needed wires, opened blocked engine intake holes, tried to start. Found that one battery is brick, showed 11.2 volts. So i need new battery, probably on monday. In mean time i remove starter, i am sure that is in bad condition too. Sounds like bendix does not return after crank. Oh well.

Whisky time.
But i am sure i get it running next week.
Oh, yes - old IP is probably totally toasted - i can barely move it by hand. I open it tomorrow, we´ll see how bad inside is.
took starter off, send it to check. Supporting brace is even there, starter bolts are wrong type.
As nothing more to do, i started to retrofit back to original wiring (and remove this horrible "yellow grounding" wiring) 
- done
Found removed cold advance/fast idle switch wires - good
Found cut pink fat wire near 24V pos and neg bars - seems come from cab -
what for is it? I dont see similar wire there in my 1009.
Can not find purple wire what should go to solenoid on starter -
Can not find low engine coolant sensor (right side in radiator) wire (black/yellow?) - ?
Where to connect water sensor wires from fuel filter assembly?
And - old IP is officially seized now. Cant take it even apart. Seems that old owner ran truck with who-knows-what nasty fuel.