I made it home with battery power to spare. Here are some notes and thankees:
AM General....the tune up made all the difference in the world...me and Baricade (Mark) made it back in good time. You are da man.
TO ALL THE FOLKS THAT HELPED WITH KP.......Tim's wife Pam was my adult supervision..she tirelessly cleaned dishes, prepped food, told me where eveything was I "missplaced" and was a God send. She also had to take care of Tim who came down with a bug (not my cooking, I swear).
I am lousy with names but there were several folks that washed dishes, peeled taters, and put up with my bossy directions (you can't take the Sergent out of me). These folks freed me and Mike up so we could concentrate on the meals.
They did this under the most primitive conditions and often in the dark.
This was eased when Big Case loaned us his genny and AM General supplied the portable lights.
Big Case never hesitated when we asked his assistance for something.
Mike and I made enough to repay us for the supplies and we had a nice profit that was given to Clinto for next years rally.
It was pointed out by several folks that I missed all the trail rides since I was doing meals.
I'm not much into mudding and this was a labor of love on my part. Taking care you you folks was like taking care of my soldiers.....that is what I miss most about the Army...my soldiers.
I was happy to do it and I'm sure Mike was too.
We are already planning for next year and we will have a mess facility that will knock your socks off.
Big Case horse traded me out of the PA system but we have a back up if he can't make it next year (I had two of them). If he shows up we will have four speakers to play Revelee on.

This was the best rally yet and next year it can only get better.
To Clinto and Dawn.......thanks for another super event.
I'll post my pics later.