Thanks guys.A update from the new guy. I've had my bobbed deuce for about a month. I put a winter front on, winter shifter boots. I've been driving it four out of five days a week to work, I take the long way to get 12 miles each way. I pressure wash it on Sat. mornings to get most of the salt off. I've run down the highway, gps has a max speed of 67 mph that was at 2500 rpm. I cruise about 55. If you listen to the motor it gets a nice in tune hum to it. I started to get a little loose feeling in the frontend last weekend after a ride on some very frost heaved roads. during a post trip inspection I checked the front, jacked up bothsides and found the LF wheelbearing to be out of adjustment. I got the 3" 8 side socket and I got almost a full turn and a half out of the inner wheel nut. It looks like new grease and washer on that side. I checked the otherside and it is all tight. No other play in the steering besides alittle in and out at the steering box, seems normal to me, and it drives better now then it did before. Very happy so far. I'm planning for the fist oil change to swap to spin on filters. I'm in the prossess of getting more stuff, 3/4 gun, bottle jack, and other assorted tools.