Yea, if I read that date code correctly, they were a year old in 2010… They are also AGM’s AGM batteries want 45% of the battery AH rating in amps from the alternator during the major portion of the charge cycle. Plain lead acids want only 25%. So with the 4 battery 240AH AGM bank that was 108A just for the batteries… 2 batteries at 120AH is a much more manageable, but still pretty high 54A out of the alternator. The issue really is the 12v lighting loads. It is around 26A with all the lights on, so if you let the batteries get behind, dont run the lights till they are topped off
and when these fail put in a pair of group 31s. 100AH plain lead acid, commonly available/less expensive, and will only want 25A out of the alt. They will charge much faster if discharged and put way less stress on the alt…