Okay, first a big THANKS to all that gave me input. I'll try to make this brief but informative.

Big Betty!

The HH after cleaning and reinstalling. (Notice the "Power Turn Up Bolt, more about that later.

Inside of the shut off.

Shut off, everything was working, just no fuel pressure to the injectors.

In utter frustration, I decided to do something with that "bolt" since, as you can see, the nuts were not touching anything. The only reason I know what this bolt is came from an old 30 year Army mechanic who told me, "Don't touch it!" (Frank8003 I read and re-read your thread several times without being able to diagnose the issue.) So, in my ignorance, I ran the nut closest to the housing in until it touched. It didn't tighten up so I went a few more turns in with it. After moving the next nut down and gently "locking" the first nut in place I prayed and begged God to help me figure out what was wrong with the truck!
I turned on the switch, heard the air pressure buzzer, then pushed the starter button. INSTANTLY, the engine fired and it idled like a brand new engine! I was screaming my thanks to God, to Steel Soldiers, to my old Army and Marine Corp buddies. It was wonderful!
After buttoning everything up, I went for a drive on old Highway 66. Big Betty held 55 to 60 MPH, ran straight and true, she reminded me of how much fun she is to drive.
Thanks again. Now I'm going to figure out just where those nuts are supposed to be set and DRIVE LIKE I STOLE IT!