Okay, so today some of the behind-the-scenes people who plan and run the rally showed up to D-town to make sure the rally goes off without a hitch.
I'll bet a lot of people don't realize what goes into making a rally this big successful. It's a lot of stuff!
Today, SCSG-G4,Squirt-Truck, Dumpster, mdmorgan, mdmorganwife, Swiss and I showed up, bright and early at 0830 to do the rally recon.
We discussed changes to the field from last year and how we'd lay stuff out. We inspected the field to ensure minimum conditions were met and that the area was safe (we had D-town take down a tree that had broken and fallen about halfway, for fear it would fall on someone). We had a meeting with D-town Mike to iron out any issues.
D-town provided 6 porta potties (free of charge) in 2012 and will provide 8 this year, so hopefully this will help out.
They will be leaving the dump truck for use as a dumpster.
They plan on having one of their employees there Thursday, Friday and Saturday to take payments for trailriding and camping fees. This could change but it's the plan now.
In 2013, no one will be allowed on the trails; as a driver or passenger, without proper D-town armbands.
We spent several hours running new trails so that we could take people to new places and found several that will work, but we'll need a trail clearing party on Wednesday. If you have a chainsaw and want to help, please contact Squirt-truck.
We will have parking for very large/long trucks and trailers, as requested by Papabear. It will be marked on maps we'll be posting shortly and on the rally flyers you'll get at the registration desk.
There will be a loading and unloading are for heavy items, aided by 5 ton wrecker(s).
The Hardball Convoy will likely have a LEO escort.
As I remember more stuff from the meeting, I'll post it.
Oh......... how about some pics?