Thanks Zy, I was on a extremely limited budget which is why I was bidding on the lots of 12-16 tires. I would have to sell off the extra of course to get them down to the price I had in mind which was around $75 per tire. I have already paid for these thinking they were complete. Scott is trying to run damage control and has a lead or two that may pan out. Brad says he can perhaps get 4 wheels from FT Lewis next week (not sure if that means more $$ or not) I saw many lots over last two months but I let them go by since I thought I had four complete tires already. Now there are none at the moment, even nation-wide.
I'm not mad at any person involved, just upset at the situation which seems out of my control. This day in general has been a "wash" started with the Dish network guy showing at 1300 for 0800-1200 appointment. Man I really wanted to install these this weekend...