So where do we start? We have taken a few steps back. After review of paint results last night both of us concurred the current paint was FUBR. Luckily Z had started down the path of getting a new batch of paint made up in the Matrix product line. Delivery was to occur late yesterday. So meanwhile......................
Me and Commander Z worked most of yesterday afternoon and night on the following:
-Power grinding interior to get ready for Hurculiner
-Z retaped the whole vehicle
-Removed Bumpers
Issues Encountered:
1.) Swiss was working so hard he burned up Z's nice chitty Dewalt grinder, work halt
2.) Lots of new rust holes in floor covered by fiberglass: Ouchy I was itching all night
So then the paint shows up, consistency is good. Color is bad

The commander is color blind so he says that looks great. Our resident paint guru says it is close, (NOT)
So at the end of the day I grab the paint can and take it home. This morning I am driving 40 minutes to the mixologist and saying make a new color. So the paint is being delivered again tonight and we now have a new color called SWISS TAN!
Let’s see how tonight plays out.