I prefer bee's anyday over a wasp or hornet. Usually not as hostile and at least they serve a purpose.
Well last friday finished up the hub flip and wheel end service and 395's swap finally. Went to the local hardware store to get a 1 gallon garden sprayer to build into a pressure bleeder and bled the brake system. While testing the brakes it was discovered that the brakes would not hold pressure anymore, step on the pedal and it would slowly go to the floor. With no visible leaks in the system and re-bleeding it determined that the master cylinder gave out so ordered a replacement unit.
Replaced the master cylinder today. Beauty of these trucks, really simple and pretty easy to work on. Pulled the transmission and transfercase tunnel covers out of the cab and accessed it that way. Went ahead and plumbed in the external brake fluid reservoir as well, mounted it to the cab behind the driver seat.
Someday I'd like to upgrade to a dual circuit brake system (or air brakes) for the safety factor. Looks like there is plenty of room for a dual circuit master cylinder.
Bled the brakes and the pressure held great. Fired up the truck and tested a few more times in the driveway then took the truck for a short test drive through the neighborhood, first time this truck has been on the road under its' own power in over 2 years. Valence snapped a couple pics while I was driving. At one point he asked me to do a 'panic stop' at about 15mph, best way to put it seat belts hold and the brakes work very well. One of my poor jerry cans learned how to fly at that moment hahaha.
Will be making a roughly 60 mile trip this weekend with it, in the middle of moving to a different place and I need the crane to pick up a few items from the garage.
Couple quirks were discovered during the drive. There is an air leak around the transfercase. The sprag does engage how it's supposed to in fwd/rev so thinking it's just a loose/leaking fitting. Figure when it's addressed I'll install a air switch so the front axle can be disengaged. Exhaust had a significant amount of smoke when the drive first started, seemed to reduce the longer the drive went on so thinking it's just from the truck sitting for so long and only really being used at idle.
Last quirk noticed. It will rev while driving past 2300 rpm with relative ease.
After we got back from the test drive raised the tire pressure to 80psi (wheels and tires rated to 120) and fixed the driver side mirror bracket.
Also had a 'lightbulb' moment with the storage boxes in the rear. I don't like how they are a top open design, would be more useful to me if they opened from the side. Originally was planning to cut the feet off the front outriggers and have them modified to be removable, then make side doors for the storage boxes. Then it clicked, why bother going through all that extra labor to make the feet removable when they slide out easily enough?