I am glad to hear you made it home alright. I was worried about you being out after dark and your generator not running. I got home just now, 7:30 Monday night.
We had a fun time at our first rally and really learned a lot, but it didn't come easy or cheap. We had to resort to plan F, literally.
My F-350 blew a head gasket, so I borrowed my FIL's truck, but didn't get 10 miles out and my trailer u-bolt broke and dropeed the leaf springs. We tried to fix it, but noone had the parts, we tried to chain it in place, but it was too risky for a 600 mile trip. I wanted my wife to drive her van down so I would have a ride back, but that didn't work out either, so we drove the Deuce down, 15 hours road time.
The problem was I had sold the Deuce and was supposed to deliver it while in Orlando. I had also sold some axles to another guy there in Saint Cloud and he wanted a truck too. I had also sold a 5-ton transfer case to Pete (it was supposed to be Vinny's, but he will get one too as soon as I pull it) and found out that he had brought a truck to sell. So I got on the horn and got my axle guy to buy Pete's truck. Turns out there was a U-Haul place right next to his shop. So when I delivered the truck/trailer/axles I rented a U-haul and drove it back to camp. Then I got in the Deuce we drove down and delivered it and got the new owners to bring us back to camp to the U-Haul for the ride home. We didn't pull out of camp until 9:30pm Sunday night.
We stopped in Ocala and met up with Vinny Monday morning to do even more trading.
The only bad thing is that the U-Haul cost me over $600 to drive home!

But we had a great time and will definitely be coming to more Rallys in the future.
I don't remember your name, but thanks to someone for the cots, we slept great on them in the back of our truck.
Also thanks to Pete and Cheryl my neighbors there for their support and company.
Derek Taylor