Ok, is everybody ready to smile?
The MVPA will be releasing an official statement at some point today and my contact's have given me approval to release this:
We're good to go-truck sales will resume shortly without restrictions!
The DLA has issued a press release:
A snippet from the press release reads:
"Release of all types of equipment to firefighters and law enforcement, transfer to federal agencies, donation to state and local governments, and public sale will resume as soon as computerized property listings can be reset, which is expected next week. Rules on ownership of items and accountability standards will also continue as before."
Now, once everyone has cracked the champagne open, I think we should discuss a couple things.
The MVPA (the National Chapter, not your local affiliate club) has been instrumental in getting the truth about this-absolute hard facts, not internet rumors and conjecture and the insider contacts they have were not only able to get a read on what was going on (and therefore not shoot ourselves in the foot) but they were able to exert some level of influence on the players, or at least provide information about the effects of the stoppage.
I absolutely wholeheartedly recommend anyone who is pleased with this outcome strongly consider joining the MVPA. Joining is easy and can be done here:
Secondarily, we appreciate everyone's patience and willingness to not make waves throughout this ordeal. I realize that just sitting and waiting while your hobby (or obsession for some of us) hangs in the balance is difficult and feels counter productive, but politics are a lot like hot dogs: if you know what goes into it, you probably won't like it anymore. The MVPA's position that waiting on a decision proved to be the right one and a campaign to influence the outcome could very well have politicized the issue and turned it into something partisan and impossible to control. Obviously we'll never know if we were all correct but I think we were.
Over the last few years, our hobby has faced some big challenges: the radiation scare, the EPA/DLA stoppage, local registration (Wisconsin, Georgia, etc.) issues, local HOA and town ordinances, etc.
And every time, there is a lot of paranoia that goes along with these scares. That there is a giant conspiracy among govt. agencies to come take away our vehicles. I know there were at least a few people who thought the CBP seizure of illegal Land Rover Defenders was related to our issue (
http://www.steelsoldiers.com/showthread.php?127958-EPA-Home-Land-Security-Seizing-Land-Rovers). I hope with the positive outcome of this event the hobby can look at future challenges in a more positive or at least more sober light.
In closing, I really think if you like military vehicles and believe the public should be able to buy them as value priced commercial vehicles and as pieces of history to be preserved, today is a good day. And you should join the MVPA-they have contacts that SS can only dream of and they have a lobbyist in Washington. SS, G503 and all the others don't bring anything like that to the table. It's something you should consider.
I am opening the thread. I hope everyone has a fantastic day. Go drive your military vehicle and take your dog for a cheeseburger!