Just ordered two brass fittings from PlasticMart. $17 for both, plus 16 shipping (2/2/201

. Received them in about a week. Since they use an O-ring, I tightened the nut until the O-ring is compressed in the groove, and no more. Since you can't see the O-ring, you have to feel it in the wrench. It will turn easy, and all of the sudden stop. That is when the O-ring is compressed, and the fitting is tight. I put blue Loctite on the threads to keep the nut from vibrating lose. Now I need to get busy and go through the rest of the machine, so I can crank it up and test it. Here is why I bought the fittings.....
Can anyone tell me why my 8 keeps changing into a happy face when I post my reply? Can't seem to edit it out either.
Picked up a 802a off GL in Lockbourne last month with 500hrs. Only paid $580 for it. Makes me wonder what is wrong with it. The storage box contained documents, showing the unit was mothballed for storage 5 years ago. No signs of water damage on the muffler or in the crankcase. Turning the fan turns the engine (only moved it a little, not to scrape the cylinders until I get some oil in there). The only obvious damage was a broken drain well nut on the tank. I am tempted to just add some diesel, and crank it up, but I think I will pull the injectors, and stick a bore scope in there, and soak the cylinders and pistons in Marvel Magic oil first, just in case.