Yup; that'll do it for sure.
Got 'er done.

The good news was that I did not forget to disconnect anything!
The bad news was that we did a bit of damage to the truck:
- tranny tunnel cutout in the firewall is bent
- ether start got a good smack (looks like bent the ether bottle's neck (!) and solenoid mounting bracket)
- hard brake line atop the front axle scored
We also broke one front engine mount that hooked at the winch last minute. The price you pay for working in the dark and for working with equipment that lifts well - but will continue to do so, regardless of whats in the way...
Lesson learned if removing engine+tranny combo:
- if your truck is a w/w seriously consider taking the winch off first
- remove both front engine mounts with the "tray"
- absolutely take the transmission top cover off
- spend $59 for a 2000lbs load balancing bar with a hand crank that allows you to adjust the centre of gravity (i.e. angle the engine hangs) on the fly. The "one chain wrapped around pallet fork" method positively sucks in this regard!
---you need to be able to hang the engine at a steep angle to clear the oilpan over the winch and to not hang up the shifter on the firewall. The angle it hangs at in the picture is NOT sufficient...this still required a 2x4 to pry (and dent the oil pan) to get it over the winch.