I spent the day finding a nut in the English Ivy.
After procrastinating on installing my windshield wiper motors, I decided to take it on today. Glad I did.
I realized, after buying electric windshield wipers, my vacumn wipers without wiper blade, worked perfectly. It was just not hooked up, and did not have a wiper blade installed, so it was metal scraping on metal at first.
When I removed the nut from the wiper blade to get started, guess...
Yep. Clunk,clink, clink, ching, dub, dub, clank, spiellllllll... and into the English Ivy. Oh what joy!
I made a trip to the local Irish parts store, and they didn't have anything that would work for a deuce wiper. Nothing. Wanted me to drive 30 miles to see an old deuce that might have a rusty old wiper. No thanks I said, I'll fabricate my own.
Missing a nut for the job, a wiper blade that would fit, vacumn line, and having part of the old wiper arm and a mismatched wiper blade from an electric motor job I purchased for the job, I drilled out the rivits from the old wiper, and new, and installed a new screw to fit through the new wiper arm and old wiper threaded attachment. Then I installed the vacumn line and discovered what that little screw valve was for on the bottom left of my dash. Air line to wipers. I now not only have control for speed but a new and working wiper, for the first time while owning this deuce for over a year. Just don't seem to use it much, but both wiper and deuce will be used this weekend on a camping trip. 3 hour job. Amazing...
Now to change out that torn cab cover.