I have done so much to mine...and barely getting started:
Replaced Trans Pan and changed filter. Pan had permanent drain installed by GL forklift
Replaced doo pushed in with I guess same fork lift
Did rough push out bdy work to last thru winter...Doesn't look that bad after a complete rattle can paint job. Hope to straight body more anf give it a gun paint job next year.
Installed rear sliding glass window
Tinted windows with some old tint had in barn
Added cigarette lighter
Replaced leaking heater core and all coolant hoses
replaced vaccum lines to trans
Installed battery cutoff switch
replaced glowplug relay
installed glowplug bypass switch
replace fan clutch
replaced all belts, oil change and gearboxs serviced
Installed toolbox I fabricated in bed with quick release bolts 3 of them can remove in 5 minutes, used bolts studded thru bed. and have to do is remove nuts from inside box, and install nuts back on studs to keep from messing threads up.
Removed new fiberglass racks from M105 trailer modified them so they fit. Includding bows.
Installed 36 hummer trires
put 2" spacers behind wheels
Also did alot of other little stuff
Install block heater in lower radiator hose. ( Can tell with cold weather we've been having saves alot of wear on starter and glowplugs)
Still have alot to do, hoping to do that great starter relay mod next week.
When get the cash got to do something about Trans: I have no reverve, but goes forward great. Just have to be careful picking parking spots.
Also want to install Solargizer. I still use a DA 2404, at least now I have it down to 3 pages of things I want to do to it.. Its all good and a **** of alot of fun.