Fun Weekend! First...the back story...40ac in northern NV, including a piece of the West Walker river... [note: Nevada rivers are considered non-navigable, so if you own a piece of both sides, you essentially own that piece of river...] anyway...couple years ago, to facilitate river access, I built a land bridge across a wet area...which took an ungodly amount of bucketful's of dirt. Pic 1 is what it looked like after completion. The litmus test was being able to cross with the backhoe, with a full front bucket. 
Then came the winter of 22-23, and in June, it looked like this...

So, here we are, halfway through August, the water has receded, and I need to get the backhoe over there to repair our river access.

Which I did, but promptly stuck the backhoe. At first, it would go forward, [toward the river] but after about 15 minutes of trying to push it out with either bucket I thought "Hey! I've got an LMTV, it's time to put The Squatch to the test...

Well, F.... so close. Can you see the water just to the right? Time for Plan B. Not only have I stuck the LMTV, I blocked the road... there is no other path.
Using the stabilizers, I was finally able to free the backhoe, and pulled both vehicles to the river side...not exactly where I need them to be.

So, using, dirt, 2x12's, and prayers, I got the backhoe across, and spent all day re-building the road to Narnia. I figured, get 3-4 feet above the waterline, it will be fine. Can't tell you how many buckets of dirt it took. A lot. It kept sloughing off, and absorbing the water. Finally, after a couple of trips across with the backhoe, [approx 16k] WITH a full front bucket, I thought it was time to bring the Squatch back over.

AYFKM... I drove a straight line, and the ass end just slid out... and down...maybe 10ft from solid ground. My neighbor pulled me out with the backhoe, but at the end of the day it's just another physics lesson...

Then came the winter of 22-23, and in June, it looked like this...

So, here we are, halfway through August, the water has receded, and I need to get the backhoe over there to repair our river access.

Which I did, but promptly stuck the backhoe. At first, it would go forward, [toward the river] but after about 15 minutes of trying to push it out with either bucket I thought "Hey! I've got an LMTV, it's time to put The Squatch to the test...

Well, F.... so close. Can you see the water just to the right? Time for Plan B. Not only have I stuck the LMTV, I blocked the road... there is no other path.
Using the stabilizers, I was finally able to free the backhoe, and pulled both vehicles to the river side...not exactly where I need them to be.

So, using, dirt, 2x12's, and prayers, I got the backhoe across, and spent all day re-building the road to Narnia. I figured, get 3-4 feet above the waterline, it will be fine. Can't tell you how many buckets of dirt it took. A lot. It kept sloughing off, and absorbing the water. Finally, after a couple of trips across with the backhoe, [approx 16k] WITH a full front bucket, I thought it was time to bring the Squatch back over.

AYFKM... I drove a straight line, and the ass end just slid out... and down...maybe 10ft from solid ground. My neighbor pulled me out with the backhoe, but at the end of the day it's just another physics lesson...