As of this morning my transmission replacement adventure is over, results: SUCCESS! I took her for a test drive, all gears working and shifting properly! Clutch engages and disengages perfectly!
I am keeping a close eye on everything while I drive her over the next few days and I will probably crawl underneath a few times just to make sure everything is tight and adjusted properly, also to check for leaks.
My total job time was over 15 hours! (Because of my rookie mistakes)

My total cost including replacement trans, gaskets, gear oil, rtv sealant and chain hoist was around $250.00!!!!!!!

(If I charged labor it would be in the thousands!)
Overall the problems I ran into were minor, time consuming, but minor!
I could not have done it without the help of you crazy MV Deucers! Seriously I want to thank you ALL very much for contributing to this thread. I never would have had the confidence or the know-how to do this job without you. I would probably still be out there under the truck cursing and ranting for the next two weeks.

I love this site and I want to thank the Administrators as well for making this possibe.
Also thanks to: NAPA AUTO PARTS (Farmington NH), O'KEEFE AND MARTIN GENERAL STORES (Rochester NH), MR. BUBBLES CARWASH, (Rochester NH)
And all my friends who threw in their 2 cents!
My suggestions to people who will be attempting this in the future:
1. Use the overhead method with a chain hoist.
2. Don't be afraid to ask for advice on!
4. Don't get frustrated over little things, keep a cool head and walk away if you find yourself loosing it!
5. Take pics, there a good reference if you need to see how something was positioned or adjusted.
6. Have fun!!
7. DO NOT tell your wife/girlfriend you would rather be working on the Deuce, even if it's true... Trust me it dosen't end well...
Thank you again everybody! I've posted a final pic of the new trans!!!!