Another weekend trip in the books. This one was about 1.5 hours away. Started off by seeing the CTIS constantly trying to adjust to HWY. The front QRV was hissing air, indicating the front wheels valves weren't closing. This caused an imbalance in the front and two rear axles. I just unplugged ctis for the trip. Back home I cleaned out the wheel valve and put in a new diaphragm and spring that was slightly stronger - seems to be working solid now.
Don't have any pictures but the duct going from cab to habitat blew apart on the highway. It was a test fit super cheap hose and I haven't gotten around to finalizing it. Just threw some duct tape on it and continued. Ordered the proper parts when i got back,
Other than those issues, truck did great. It was colder and we were staying for a few days so we used the diesel heater to heat the water(all 4 showering every day) and sometimes to warm the habitat. No issues and worked great! Use 10-15 gallons water for all 4 over 24hours. Do want a different mixing valve for shower, this one works pretty well but doesn't allow for really hot water to pass though.
A number of bike crashes, no fish caught, lots of fires (carry lots of wood on the truck). Campground people were super cool, raced their ATV against my sons bike multiple times. It's an electric bike with DeWalt batteries. They said they maxed out at 25mph and he was pulling away. Another campground we went to, the lady camp director yelled at him saying he had to have a license and be 16 to ride one (both false in our state) - a true Karen.
Systems on the truck worked great, family puts a pretty bid demand on the electrical system - lots of tea, hot water, my coffee, showers, keeping the inside at 72+, charging lots of batteries for the bikes, no issues. Had a lot of shade and clouds but after 48 hours batteries were at 65%.