Looks like your new truck is going to be spending some more time at my place huh? I would bring it to the rally for you if I could.
Yeah, I'm in the middle of honey-dos fixing the wife's horse pasture and riding ring, hauling horses, and dealing with a big oak tree that took out our power line during a storm last week and is still on our fence.

I may not get around to cleaning out the camping M105 until Thurs AM.
I retired last month, but I've been busier than before I retired, lost 5 lbs, and still don't have time to play with my toys. This relaxing retirement deal is not what it's cracked up to be, and I've learned that retirement has a very high mortality rate!
I will try to get the M925 next week, unless the M923 dies on me this weekend.
Edit - I still can't reliably insert photos in my posts - it's hit or miss. Frustrating as all get out