First, I absolutely love the 1101/2's. I think they are just sexy as ****. So I grabbed a couple with the intent of turning one into an adventure trailer with a 24v DC to AC inverter, 2 additional group 27 batteries for 12v power and a solar panel or three.
I painted my trailer in three phases (time constraints kept me from working very long) Each and every time, it rained immeditely after. Anywhere from 30 min to an hour later. And it rained for a good while each time.
First time, there was no damage at all. Looked great. Second time I did have some streaking, but, I had watered down the paint a decent amount to get it to run through my gun (used Behr Marquee which is thicker) and It was also cold that day so there wasn't much time for it to dry. Third time I did the black paint and it rained 30 min later. No issues.
So, I will go back and touch up here and there where there were streaks in the green. But, I think it looks great. It was tan when I got it. Now it's my own special blend of green! (Super secret formula that I will not share with anyone, unless you ask me to!)

I used 3M undercoating in the wheel well, at $50 a 6 pack, or $9 each, (2 cans used, total) it's the best $ I spent on the repaint. It really looks sharp. Takes 1 can per side.
Word of caution on this stuff. One, it's got a powerful odor. Use outdoors and use a paint respirator if you have one or if you like. Two, be careful on how much you have left. The can is unusually heavy, leading you to believe that you have 1/3 of a can when in fact it's about empty! Do the hard to reach parts first! And the easy (level can) parts last.
There is plenty in one can to do one wheel well, but he judicious in it's application.