Ok, I have been looking at maps and reading and re-reading the Aberdeen and ECC (East Coast Convoy) threads for a couple of days now and am ready for my suggestion:
Departure from Flying J truck stop at I-85 exit 147 (zip code 30549). We need to meet Brandon at 1430 hours in Greensboro, NC, which is 282 miles North of our starting position. Using an estimate of 40 mph average, we need 7 hours to cover that distance. That gives us a departure time of 0700. So we meet at this location at 0630, use restrooms, check vehicles, make plans, etc., as necessary for .5 hours, then run.
Once we have made Greensboro and picked up the NC contingent, we are again going to head North, following the NC guys to Henderson, NC. This will be another 92 miles. In Henderson, we will pick up Garbee and other SC/Eastern NC guys. Using a 40 mph esitmate, that puts us in Henderson at roughly 1730.
The last leg will be from Henderson to Doswell, VA (138 miles), where we will have a late dinner at Denny's and an overnight stay. The following morning, we will again head out and run to Aberdeen.
Now, all you Ga. and SC. boys need to chime in here. I don't really wanna do 500+ miles in one day, but I also don't want the Southern portion to be a 3 day affair, either. That introduces all sorts of logistics issues like lodging, sanitation, etc., into the fray and additonal costs (potentially-hotel, etc.).
So if someone has suggestions, I'll take 'em!
Also, this plans assumes no major issues, like breakdowns..........
Let's hear it! Comments?