5 pages of "back-and-forth" with little or no resolution.

Speaking for MYSELF, I'm not getting a "warm and fuzzy" feeling about the fact that the "founder" of this gathering is MIA, when in reality, he should be right in the middle of this discussion. Mile's a great guy, got no problem with him personally, but a logistical event such as this needs to be orchestrated by someone who has the time and facilities to handle it. All the details of food prep/head count/location/etc should have been ironed out already. With this forum being open to the entire world, I can imagine what some of the other rally organizers are saying.
Last time I checked, membership here is voluntary; attending events was voluntary; there are basic rules to abide by; But, this is not a dictatorship. It's a democracy. If there is a problem on the site, or an issue is put before the moderators, generally the concensus is that majority rules. Same should apply for rally locations and activities. What good is organizing an event that MOST of the potential attendees don't like? I thought the whole reason for a rally was to get together in a family environment, swap stories and ideas, have some fun in our trucks, promote the hobby that a lot of us are heavily invested in, and sit around a campfire shootin' the ****, and having a few brews. With all the animosity surrounding this event, I'm not so sure it would be a pleasant event at EITHER location. I want to have a good time with fellow MV'ers, and not have to listen to a bunch of cryin over he said, they said, whatever.
Times have changed over the years, economics have DEFINATELY changed, and a whole lot more people are involved in this hobby, than a few years ago. That alone, is something that has to be considered. My vote is: put out a poll. Let the members decide.
And Kenny, no disrespect intended, but the members who are calling you, should post their opinions here on the site also, so that everyone can view ALL the opinions, and make their own decisions, based on that.