Misspell, I offered a few things the pros do, if U take offense to this, After your first professional response was appropriate and appreciated,( I am happy to debate U all day on this new answer,) maybe you are a bit jealous , sorry and again no disrespect, But why would U take offense to what all other companies do for legit people renting to them, Fox has nothing to do with what they ALL do, I have done comedy skits for guys with a hand held camera for cash ,that never made it to print, But I wil say they all asked for a break, but understood there would be a rental and expenses, i have been in SALT and a few others on the other side , i have covered the cheapest and , well the pros as U say, ALL were up and up , the new guys always asked when they did not know, U did also, u gave a great first response, But U being 26 is showing big time in your last one, Since I have done your size and up i actually have the answers for U anytime any day.
rickf , Of course we want U at our show and everyone else, I can debate all day with those i disagree with and still like and respect them, If U can't I have no prob with that either. Please notice like your last thread said, I was only answering U about the fact we should have trouble sleeping for handling rentals like the business it is,It is a business,And i only answered, and if an accident or injury and or vehicle damage occurs, U will find out hard how the nice guy saying thanks for doing it for free , says, sorry U are on your own, and possibly u will be owned my some insurance company suing U to death, I never sent a barb about U not knowing , only a little shy on what it takes to be a wanted person by the industry, a stunt driver does not give U the experience in the rental field, But from your other posts , I feel u will come back with something U have done that does, As for the term scab, U mentioned your book was taken from u from taking work not sanctioned by the union, That is not a very good argument for not having that term used, But it was a term used in general, not directed at U to hurt, just what happens when others run in for free, " To do a movie, Most get a rude awakening, ... This conversation to me is all about learning what to do, and what not to do, I hope others are mature enough to see that, But we are all human , and a discussion over key boards is not the same as face to face, but I want all to know, When I state something as a fact, It is as i know it from experience, and i often say in threads, My opinion, Here has been facts, and strong opinion, Dont do it without payment , it actually protects U, dont do it with out knowing there is a blanket coverage in effect to cover U for damage and loss, U have the right to ask for a copy of insurance, any reputable place will have it sent to u, If its a distance more than an hour ask for help to get it there, if it stays over, actually look at the place it will be stored, Most will be happy to let U be the driver, U have the right to be there every time your vehicle is used, U dont have the right to tell them what they are doing is not correct in any way, best advise is come when asked, and stay clear and watch its fun with the right attitude ....

Personally arguing is all ego, thats not for me... but I sure can if anyone wants to,

off line is more fun if interested