Ok, quick little update of the small things done to the deuce thus far. To this point, we were just getting to know each other. Checking all the fluids....A lot! Driving it around town like a moped. And just making sure everything was as sound as it appeared from the outside.
The first pic is her ugly rear end. When the truck was painted on 10/03 (according to the markings on the passenger door), they didn't re-paint the markings on the rear of the truck. It appears they just painted around it. Looked like poo. One of the other pics shows the progress on that.
I basically just wandered around the entire truck with a rattle can and wire brush touching up the bad spots. That's when I found the hole in the driver side fender. During my electrical fire repair, I had removed the driver side fender, so we cut the bad metal out, and just welded some good metal back in. Good as new!
When I got the truck it came with a jerrycan, and somewhere down the line it was painted red. I'm not sure if I ever intend on hauling anything in the can, but I had my 7yo wingman paint it to match the truck for me. He's getting pretty good with a rattle can. lol
I recently snagged a bridge plate and numbers. The truck came with the plate attached, but no numbers or keeper. The numbers I needed, the "0" and the "8" were painted OD green at some point, and hand painted numbers in black. I sanded them down, and shot them yellow again with stencil numbers in dark brown. Close enough to black for this purpose.
My wingman and I took it to a local mud bogs. We learned a lot that day. I learned that my boy looks pretty legit in his bomber goggles and hearing protection. I'm thinking I want to get some sort of internal comms for the cab that can also be used in the bed as well.
And, most recently, a buddy that has his own automotive youtube channel wanted to do a shoot with the truck. Just so happened the Blue Angels were in town so we tried to get some shots with them in there. Elusive little suckers, that's for sure!
next on the to-do list: Remote reservoir for brake fluid (already purchased). Horn repair. Troop seat refurbish with the wingman. Passenger mirror replacement due to it being quite faded (already purchased). Finish painting markings on rear. Snorkel kit. Windshield glass and weather stripping repair. And acquire rear cargo cover and hardware in tan.