Alright everyone, we're a month out now. The rally officially begins on the 18th of October so a month from now, many of you will be on the road, headings towards Durhamtown Plantation.
I want to take this opportunity to issue a few pieces of advice, reminders, etc.:
A. Make sure your vehicle is serviced and safe. I hate the idea of someone being trapped on the side of the road, hundreds of miles from him with something like a seized wheel bearing. Many of our historic military vehicles are old and it's never a bad idea to ensure everything is greased, lubricated, tight, etc.
B. Make sure you have at least some spending cash for the swap meet. Whatever you can spare. I've found great deals at the swap meet: 400A electrical switches for $15, etc.
C. Make sure you have your sleeping arrangements in order. If you're camping in a tent or your truck, you'll just need to pay D-town the primitive camping fee. If you want a cabin or an RV, you better call 'em now, because if they're not sold out, they're close.
D. REMEMBER YOUR INSURANCE CARD FOR YOUR VEHICLE IF YOU WANT TO GO ON THE HARDBALL CONVOY!!!!!! Our insurance company requires this. Sorry for the hassle.
E. Be prepared for weather. Some years, it's been cold. Some it's been hot. Last year, it was windy as heck. So bring the appropriate gear: sunblock, hat, field jacket, something beefy to tie down your tent, etc.
I think that's the basics. We always need help running the MKT and cleaning up. We can always use a little help running errands, getting folks registered, etc. If you wanna' help, let us know, we can use you!Finally, I want to thank Memphis Equipment for their sponsorship of the 2017 event. They're a great partner and sponsorships like this help pay for all the costs the rally has, like an attorney, insurance, infrastructure, etc. The rally only charges people for food and t-shirts, all the other fees you encounter are from Durhamtown for use of their facilities. Having a sponsor like Memphis allows the rally to hold costs down, so families don't have to spend so much to attend.
Well boys and girls, I can see that the W400 is not going to be anywhere even close to ready when the time comes, so I am going to bow out gracefully right now.
I WILL be at the Denton Farmpark this Spring, and so will the W400...even if I have to push it there myself.
I always thought the Rally was about the people and not the vehicles

Come down anyway
Swiss has the correct answer here, Don.