Man there is a lot of information and knowledge out there!!

How about this for an idea because I have never seen it? Would any of you (with lots of spare time

) be interested in putting together a printable list of the kinds of fuels and mixture ratios we can run in a MF Duce? Maybe that would be to much work with so many variables. I don't know.
Some of us would value a list like that greatly! I am sure we could find some of this information in the manuals but it is always great to hear from guys that actually do it with personal reports of good or bad results.
There is always an outside chance that at some point some of our members would have to "bug out" for all kinds of reasons. An easy to read and understand page of what fuels we could use when all heck breaks loose and the local gas station or truck stop is not available to get fuel but the local McDoanld's or transmissions repair shop is available would be invaluable... Some suggestions on field expedient fuel filters/strainers for filling the tanks would be great too. We could throw a bunch of those in the tool box right away so they are available when needed most.
If a list was available I would laminate a few copies and put them in my glove compartment one one in my tool box and one more in the "bug out" kit. Just a thought. Thanks guys!