Spent about 10 minutes typing a post just to have the page freeze on me as I hit "post" and lost it.
Why I hate electrical issues #7562: - oil pressure gauge has always been a bit wonky so I pulled the dash panel and checked all the connections and they all looked fine. I wanted to test drive the Goat after getting the rebuilt radiator in so did the pre-flight and suddenly the right turn signal, which TexAndy and I had worked on for half a day to no avail, is suddenly working. I'm guessing the brake light on that side probably works now too but didn't have a soldier B to check so I'll have to do that later.
I figured I'd take a quick 3 mile loop around the neighborhood and could get an idea on the oil pressure and the water temp at the same time. I let it warm up in the driveway for about 15 minutes. It's about 92° and sunny today and after warming up the temp gauge was at 140° which was great but oil pressure wouldn't get above about 14psi. Since idle is between 18-30psi I wasn't too concerned and headed out clearing stray dogs, wild deer and feral children from in front of me.
I maxed out at about 30mph, limit in the hood, and made a left turn onto the loop after about 1 mile. Oil pressure was only around 15psi (should be 30-60) and water temp was around 180°. The loop goes gradually uphill then downhill to the river then back uphill, levels off, then a gradual downhill back to my street. I thought this would be a good workout to see if everything stayed within operating perameters. It didn't. The entire trip the oil pressure never got up to 20psi (probably not over 1

The water temp, however was at 200° halfway up the hill (not really steep and still going around 25mph). By the time I got to the stop sign to turn on to my street it was at 200°. I only had about 2 blocks to go so just kept at it and the gauge hit 240° as I was pulling in to the driveway.
The water pump belts looked fine but I guess they could be slipping and not engaging the water pump entirely. I'm not really sure how to check other than just staring at the pulling and seeing if it's turning or not. I have no idea on the oil pressure. I guess I could try another gauge but other than that, no clue.