Was finally enough above zero today that I figured I'd get the glow plugs out and thought I'd spin it over a bit to get the injector and lines better primed. Well, the blowing snow and wind cut it short, not going to bother getting it primed...I need a garage lol. Me meter doesn't want to zero out so I don't know how accurate it's going to be. I don't know if the cold can effect it being digital or if it has another problem, closest it gets is .4 ohms. Using that as a base and subtracting it from my readings, all the glow plugs fall out of spec. Seven of them fall under 1 ohm and one is quite a ways above three ohms, I think it was 20 something ohms. I'm going to retest them once everything warms up inside for a while. Doesn't matter really, I have new 60G's to put back in. The truck had 4 13G's and 4 Wellmans. To my surprise all of them came out without issue, not one of them were swelled, yet. I did bypass the glow plug resistors to make sure they only receive 12v in the future.
With a new ignition switch I have power back thankfully, I hate tracing out shorted wiring.
Tomorrow is supposed to be 38°, if it makes it I will continue priming it. Crossing my fingers I don't need a new IP!
Another issue I found is there is a cob for the horn and the BOL switches removed, looks like someone did some wire splicing or something to bypass the switches so a fix to that is added to the list. Also there is a relay missing, either the volt gauge relay or the BOL relay, I'm assuming it's the former. The plate they mount to is also missing and the wiring for the above hanging behind the dash.
edit to add new readings. Meter now warm was farther from zero, .7 ohms
Delco ........ Wellmans
.7 ohms ..... 1.1 ohms
.9 ohms ..... 1 ohm
.7 ohms ..... 1 ohm
.6 ohms ......16.7 ohms