Thanks Fancy. Glad to hear you are making progress on your truck title too.
Bjorn, I look forward to reading your article. I get MVM hand-me-down from my Dad so I haven't seen the latest issue yet. I ordered a 20" flat woven ground strap yesterday and will install it Friday or Saturday. I am going to drill a hole in the bed x-member right above where the trailer plug grounds to the frame. That should take care of it
Well, the DMV trip was a big success! The ladies in my local office are awesome. I took them some fudge to keep them sweet

After a conversation with a supervisor in the Richmond office, BMY Division was finally added to the DMV menu and my title was issued. I titled it for 25,999 since I never plan on max'ing out the gross. The weighted plates were not cheap, but at least I am legal
I stopped by NAPA after the DMV to get replacement filters for the engine oil, fuel and tranny. I also went after a stop light switch for the air brakes since the wiring connector snapped off of mine tuesday evening. I know those guys would be able to match something up. They broke out the giant air brake parts book and found me a civi stop light switch made by Haldex. It is rated for 12-24v, 200 psi and was tested past 1 million cycles at 30 amps. I had to snip the military wire terminals off and install ring terminals. I'll prolly make up a pigtail with some military plugs later on.
I fired up the truck to test the brake lights. It worked like a charm. I idled it up to 1500 rpm and let it fill the tanks up. Then, amazingly, the CTIS system started filling all of the tires to 60 psi. It cycled on and off as the air tanks dropped down in pressure. Once it got all of the tires to 60 psi, the system kicked off and the highway light was lit steady on the control panel. I was so frickin pumped!!
I'll post up the Haldex number for the light switch and all of the numbers for the NAPA Gold filters.