OK. Our almost last action of the season -
potato day - just ended, so I use a quiet moment to upload a few more pics. I did mostly hang around the registration tent, worked on Andy's engine swap (great action) and wandered over the vendor and camp area, so not much pics of the trails or the lodge area.
All pics are numbered. If there is only one or a few MVs in there, please
send me a PM telling who you are (screen name and preferably real first name as well) and what the designation of your MV is (M37, M51A2 etc). I will then update my post so each pictured MV has the correct owner-screen name with. If you want a better quality of a pic of your truck, let me know as well.
Here we go.

001: TMNT M35A2 Deuce. Scott picking me up at the end of a very long traveling day. The best 25 minutes of that day, the other 25 hours are better forgotten quickly.
002: Swiss' tent where I could bunk down for the first few nights. Drew and Emily turned it into a **** hotel by providing a real bed with mattress with two blankets to go with it.
003 - 005 Waking up way to early (still on Czech time, 6 hours earlier) I had an early morning stroll through the still rather empty camp ground and vendor's area