I have a 2017 MRZR D4. I have been told like everyone else that US Federal Regulations prohibit Polaris from selling parts to civilians r servicing these vehicles. I spent a couple weeks in the Army and know that for every rule there is an exception so I started digging. Reaching out to Polaris Defense I was brushed off with the claim that these vehicles are covered by Title 10 U.S. Code. If you haven't delved into this, its HUGE, literally thousands of pages. Oddly, while it does cover the sale of vehicles requiring Govt permission, there is NOTHING prohibiting the sale of parts. Next I researched EVERY contract between DoD and Polaris, guess what... NOTHING there prohibiting the sale of parts either. Now I am really confused and start digging deeper where I found that Polaris internal policy says they will not sell these parts to civilians.
Personally, I am starting with calls to my Senators and congressman to see what pressure they can apply to Polaris. Suggest that other owners raise the heat as well, get your elected representatives involved. What can it hurt, right?